Exco Technologies Limited Announces Key Appointment

TORONTO, April 22, 2015 /CNW/ – The Board of Directors of Exco Technologies Limited (TSX-XTC) are pleased to announce, effective May 19, 2015, the appointment of Drew Knight, as Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Finance. Drew has a BComm degree from the University of Toronto and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario with a CPA (CA) designation. Drew is a seasoned business and financial executive with broad experience with large global manufacturing enterprises and the North American automobile industry. He will be particularly valuable as we continue to grow the business and further strengthen Exco’s competitive position.

Drew replaces departing Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Finance, Mary Nguyen who is leaving Exco after eight years of diligent and trusted service to the company. We would like to thank Mary for her valued contribution to Exco’s success and wish her the best in her future endeavours.

Exco Technologies Limited is a global supplier of innovative technologies servicing the die-cast, extrusion and automotive industries. Through our 18 strategic locations in 10 countries, we employ 5,202 people and service a diverse and broad customer base.

For further information:

Source:Exco Technologies Limited (TSX-XTC)
Contact:Paul Riganelli, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Telephone:(905) 477-3065 Ext 7228